Finn­li­nes boosts freight capa­ci­ty for Ros­tock service

Finnlines has increased its Rostock service, raising the frequency of departures between Rostock and Finland from three to four per week. The Finland–Germany freight service, operated with three Breeze-class vessels offering vast cargo capacity for all types of freight, strengthens Finnlines’ position in the Baltic Sea.

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Finn­li­nes streng­the­ned its Finland–Germany freight ser­vice in the spring to meet increased demand for capa­ci­ty and fre­quen­cy from cus­to­mers. By adjus­ting rou­tes and adding a third ro-ro ves­sel to the Ros­tock ser­vice, Finn­li­nes can offer more depar­tures from Ros­tock and at the same time increase capa­ci­ty signi­fi­cant­ly. The rou­te chan­ge enables Finn­li­nes to pro­vi­de its cus­to­mers one addi­tio­nal weekly depar­tu­re and, in addi­ti­on, a direct con­nec­tion to Helsinki. 

At pre­sent, the­re are two weekly depar­tures from both Hel­sin­ki and Hanko to Ros­tock. The new sche­du­le increa­ses the fre­quen­cy of depar­tures bet­ween Ros­tock and Fin­land from three to four per week. Simul­ta­neous­ly, the Helsinki–Travemünde–Aarhus line has shifted its Ger­ma­ny port of call to Rostock. 

“This chan­ge streng­thens Finn­li­nes’ posi­ti­on in the Bal­tic Sea. We have increased the num­ber of depar­tures from Ros­tock and now offer four weekly depar­tures to two main ports in Fin­land. This will also bols­ter Rostock’s posi­ti­on as a key port in the Sou­thern Bal­tic Sea,” says Tor­kel Saar­nio, Finn­li­nes’ Line Mana­ger. “Our work con­ti­nues as we deve­lop our ser­vices to meet our cus­to­mers’ needs. Tog­e­ther with our cus­to­mers, we are explo­ring pos­si­bi­li­ties to streng­then con­nec­tions to ports in wes­tern Fin­land, such as Tur­ku and Uusik­au­pun­ki. If the mar­ket deve­lo­ps as we hope, we will deploy addi­tio­nal ton­na­ge when the time is right.” 

“With shorta­ge of dri­vers and high road die­sel cos­ts, the inter­mo­dal busi­ness is gro­wing. The new fleet plan will not only meet the mar­ket needs but also rein­force our posi­ti­on as a green ship­ping ope­ra­tor, as CO2 emis­si­ons per unit will decrease signi­fi­cant­ly. Trai­ler volu­mes are incre­asing, and the growth in steel, paper, and car ship­ments fore­casts a bright future. Sus­tainable values and incre­asing cos­ts are boos­ting the busi­ness towards even grea­ter suc­cess,” con­ti­nues Saarnio. 

Curr­ent­ly, Finn­li­nes’ ves­sels call the port of Ros­tock six times a week. One Breeze-class ves­sel sails bet­ween Hanko, which is the sou­thern­most port in Fin­land, and Ros­tock, two ope­ra­te on the rou­te which con­nects Hel­sin­ki, Ros­tock, Aar­hus and Tra­ve­mün­de. The Breeze-class ves­sels can car­ry any type of car­go. The space onboard, a total of 4,192 lane met­res, can be fil­led effi­ci­ent­ly as cars can be loa­ded on hoista­ble decks and trai­lers below them. 


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Quel­le & Kontakt:

Tor­kel Saarnio

Line Mana­ger, Finn­li­nes Plc

Tel. +358 50 565 5397

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