WEC Ibe­ro opens new Figuera da Foz office in Portugal

WEC Lines is thrilled to announce that since april 2024 WEC Ibero have opened a new office in Figurea da Foz, Portugal, aimed at strengthening local presence and providing an enhanced service to support client demand.

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Ope­ning this office is yet ano­ther exci­ting mile­stone in our company’s jour­ney towards expan­ding our ser­vice offe­rings within Euro­pe and beyond.

The new office, loca­ted at Rua da Repú­b­li­ca 202 in Figuei­ra da Foz, Por­tu­gal, is hea­ded by Office Repre­sen­ta­ti­ve Mr. Samu­el Sou­sa. He will be hand­ling all ope­ra­tio­nal mat­ters to the best of his abili­ties with the goal to pro­vi­de an even bet­ter, fas­ter & more com­ple­te ser­vice to our Por­tu­gue­se and inter­na­tio­nal cli­ents. Samu­el has alre­a­dy been working in the maritime/transport sec­tor for 11 years, having work­ed for two ship­ping com­pa­nies and two freight for­war­ders, and thus brings his exper­ti­se and (local) knowledge.

“We are deligh­ted to inau­gu­ra­te our new office in Figuei­ra da Foz, a reflec­tion of our com­mit­ment to meet local cli­ent demand, “said Coun­try Mana­ger WEC Ibe­ro Mr. Ricar­do Alves. “This expan­si­on will allow us to pro­vi­de a time­ly, accu­ra­te, and more com­ple­te ser­vice to cli­ents, part­ners and other stakeholders.

We wel­co­me Samu­el to the WEC Ibe­ro family!

© WEC Lines

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WEC Lines

Tel. +31 (0)10 491 33 50

Mail office@weclines.com

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