3 000-kilometre inter­mo­dal trans­port from south to north Euro­pe now available with Ste­na Line

Stena is excited to announce the extension of their route network with intermodal routes spanning approximately 3 000 kilometres for efficient good transportation across Europe. This expansion aims to enhance transit from the southern and southwestern European regions to the northernmost points in Sweden, specifically Umeå via Eskilstuna.

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We are exci­ted to announ­ce the exten­si­on of our rou­te net­work with inter­mo­dal rou­tes span­ning appro­xi­m­ate­ly 3 000 kilo­me­t­res for effi­ci­ent good trans­por­ta­ti­on across Euro­pe. This expan­si­on aims to enhan­ce tran­sit from the sou­thern and sou­thwes­tern Euro­pean regi­ons to the nor­t­hern­most points in Swe­den, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly Umeå via Eskilstuna.

Com­men­cing from 23 May 2024, we enhan­ce our ser­vice offe­rings by inte­gra­ting addi­tio­nal rou­tes into our exis­ting Gothenburg-Kiel and Trelleborg-Rostock cor­ri­dors. This expan­si­on holds par­ti­cu­lar signi­fi­can­ce for the nor­t­hern Swe­dish regi­ons of Väs­ter­bot­ten and Norr­bot­ten, as well as the cen­tral Mälard­a­len region.

Fre­d­rik Johans­son, Group Mana­ger Inter­mo­dal and Ship­ping Logi­stics empha­si­zes the dual bene­fits of this initiative

“Cus­to­mers gain access to relia­ble long-distance ship­ping ser­vices through a sin­gle part­ner. Moreo­ver, the expan­si­on of our nor­t­hern rou­te net­work faci­li­ta­tes fur­ther trans­por­ta­ti­on links into Väs­ter­bot­ten and Norr­bot­ten counties.”

Expan­si­on through Europe

Through stra­te­gic part­ner­ships, we ensu­re seam­less con­nec­ti­vi­ty for sou­thern Euro­pean desti­na­ti­ons via our two pri­ma­ry inter­mo­dal corridors:

Trelleborg-Rostock Cor­ri­dor

  • Direct link to cities like Vero­na (Ita­ly), Bettem­bourg (Luxem­bourg)
  • Tran­sit through Bettem­bourg (Luxem­bourg) to Lyon, and Le Bou­lou (France).

Gothenburg-Kiel Cor­ri­dor

  • Dedi­ca­ted rou­te to Vero­na (Ita­ly).
  • Gate­way traf­fic via Ham­burg to Lud­wigs­ha­fen, Munich and Duis­burg (Ger­ma­ny).

The most exten­si­ve rou­te within this net­work stret­ches from Le Bou­lou in France to Umeå in Swe­den, cove­ring an impres­si­ve distance of appro­xi­m­ate­ly 3,200 kilometers.

Ste­na Line and Wasa­li­ne Col­la­bo­ra­te to Extend Rou­te to Vaa­sa, Finland

In an exci­ting col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Wasa­li­ne we are exten­ding the inter­mo­dal rou­te to include Vaa­sa, Fin­land, via sea trans­port. This stra­te­gic move offers sub­stan­ti­al bene­fits for our cus­to­mers by seam­less­ly con­nec­ting rail and sea rou­te solu­ti­ons bet­ween Umeå and Vaasa.

“We have work­ed dili­gent­ly to stream­li­ne sche­du­les and pro­ces­ses, enhan­cing the over­all effi­ci­en­cy of the trans­port chain. This stra­te­gic move unders­cores our com­mit­ment to faci­li­ta­ting acces­si­ble and effi­ci­ent ship­ping solu­ti­ons for our cus­to­mers”, says Fre­d­rik Johans­son on the collaboration.

Tony Ehrs, Direc­tor, Freight at Wasa­li­ne who will pro­vi­de the sea con­nec­tion from Umeå to Vaa­sa, Fin­land comm­ents on the extension,

“We are plea­sed to col­la­bo­ra­te clo­se­ly with Ste­na Line to expand inter­mo­dal trans­port to Vaa­sa using our ves­sel, Auro­ra Bot­nia. By using train con­nec­tions to Umeå and con­ti­nuing to Vaa­sa with our envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly ves­sel, we can achie­ve emission-neutral trans­por­ta­ti­on for trai­lers and con­tai­ners to and from Vaa­sa”, says Tony at Wasaline.

Trelleborg-Rostock Cor­ri­dor

© Ste­na Line

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