WEC Lines has been voted as the 2024 best Short Sea Ship­ping Line & 2024 best Ship­ping Agen­cy at the Trans­por­tes & Negóci­os Car­go Awards in Portugal

Last Thursday, November 21st, the 21st edition of the T&N Cargo Awards took place as organized by the Portuguese industry organisation Transportes & Negócios.

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Held at the Crow­ne Pla­za Hotel in Por­to, Por­tu­gal over 200 guests from the trans­port com­mu­ni­ty were invi­ted to vote the win­ner in seve­ral dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries, such as Best Glo­bal Shipow­ner (MSC), Best Road Hau­lier (San­tos e Vale) and Best Rail Car­ri­er (Med­way).

After win­ning the award for Best Short Sea Ship­ping Line in 2023, we mana­ged to up our game fur­ther by taking home two pri­zes! Bes­i­des pro­lon­ging its title as best Short Sea Ship­ping Line, WEC Lines left its com­pe­ti­ti­on behind by being voted the best Ship­ping Agen­cy in 2024 as well. WEC Ibero’s repre­sen­ta­ti­ves Fran­cis­co Mora, Sus­a­na Luz and Ricar­do Alves have proud­ly accept­ed this award on behalf of the WEC family.

We feel great­ly hum­bled by the sup­port and reco­gni­ti­on from all cus­to­mers, sup­pli­ers, truck dri­vers, ter­mi­nals, and other busi­ness part­ners who have voted for us.

We will do ever­y­thing in our power to honour the­se awards in the coming year(s).

(from left to right): Fran­cis­co Mora – CFO WEC Ibe­ro; Ricar­do Alves – Coun­try Mana­ger WEC Ibe­ro; Sus­a­na Luz – Sales Mana­ger Porto.

© WEC Lines

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