Ste­na beco­mes sole owner of NTEX

Stena, which previously owned 75 percent of the shares in the transport and logistics company NTEX, has purchased an additional 25 percent of the shares and thus has become the sole owner of the company.

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NTEX is one of Sweden’s most expan­si­ve trans­port com­pa­nies with 20 offices in 12 count­ries in Euro­pe, over 1,000 employees and around 4 bil­li­on SEK in tur­no­ver. The com­pa­ny owns and lea­ses around 1,500 trucks and has 16 ter­mi­nals and warehou­ses of its own.

„NTEX is a fan­ta­stic com­pa­ny that is well estab­lished in both trans­port and logi­stics and that offers a com­ple­te solu­ti­on to its cus­to­mers,“ says Nic­las Mår­ten­sson, CEO of Ste­na Line and chair­man of the board of NTEX.

Ste­na ente­red as a majo­ri­ty owner of NTEX in 2020, and is now sole owner of the company. 

„The main reason for this acqui­si­ti­on is that we wish to gain a grea­ter under­stan­ding of how lar­ge trans­port com­pa­nies ope­ra­te in dif­fe­rent mar­kets. By owning and run­ning com­pa­nies, our under­stan­ding of our cus­to­mers and whe­re the mar­ket is going increa­ses, which allows us to opti­mi­se Stena’s pro­duct port­fo­lio,“ says Nic­las Mårtensson.

„It is of cour­se with mixed fee­lings that I am sel­ling the remai­ning part of what I star­ted and built up. I want to express my deep gra­ti­tu­de to all employees. It is an incre­di­ble group of peo­p­le that I have had the honor to hire and work with and their efforts have been cri­ti­cal to the suc­cess we have achie­ved,“ says Tho­mas Ström, NTEX foun­der and CEO.

The acqui­si­ti­on is sub­ject to appr­oval by rele­vant authorities.


Nic­las Mår­ten­sson CEO at Ste­na Line

© Ste­na Line

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Ste­na Line Group Press office
Tel. +46 (0) 31 85 85 32


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