Intro­du­cing Samskip’s New Office In Bil­bao, Spain!

New Services and growth in Spain require a powerhouse local team!

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As Samskip con­ti­nues with its aggres­si­ve expan­si­on of its Euro­pean net­work, we are thril­led to share some exci­ting news as we con­ti­nue to growth and enhan­ce our ser­vices. Samskip is proud to announ­ce the ope­ning of our new office in Bil­bao, Spain – SAMSKIP S.L.!

Recent­ly, we laun­ched a num­ber of new Spa­nish ser­vices from San­tan­der, aiming to broa­den our net­work in the regi­on. This ser­vice quick­ly gai­ned momen­tum, excee­ding our expec­ta­ti­ons, and signal­ing fur­ther growth opportunities.

To sup­port our expan­si­on plans, we have estab­lished a dedi­ca­ted Samskip office in Bil­bao. To ensu­re our suc­cess in this ven­ture, we have assem­bled a team of indus­try hea­vy­weights to lead the way. We are deligh­ted to intro­du­ce our power­house team:

Die­go Rui­gó­mez, Mana­ging Director

Die­go brings 27 years of expe­ri­ence in the ship­ping indus­try, inclu­ding 24 years in short-sea ship­ping. His exten­si­ve back­ground includes key roles at MacAn­drews, MacAn­drews OPDR, Con­tai­ner­ships, and most recent­ly CMA CGM Intra North Euro­pe. Die­go has been instru­men­tal in the suc­cessful growth and mul­ti­mo­dal deve­lo­p­ment of CMA CGM in Spain, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in warehousing, rail, and ter­mi­nals. His strong cus­to­mer rela­ti­onships and exper­ti­se will be inva­luable as we expand our operations.

Vir­gi­nia Navar­ro, Coun­try Sales Manager

With over 25 years of expe­ri­ence focu­sed on cus­to­mer needs, Virginia’s care­er began at Navie­ra Pinil­los (later Bolu­da) and con­tin­ued through Bridge­stone and MacAn­drews Sales depart­ment. Recent­ly, she work­ed at CMA CGM Intra North Euro­pe, com­bi­ning roles as Branch Mana­ger and Inter­mo­dal Seni­or Sales Mana­ger. Vir­gi­nia is known for lea­ding high-performing teams and pro­vi­ding effec­ti­ve logi­stic solu­ti­ons across short-sea net­works and mul­ti­mo­dal ser­vices through rail, road, and warehousing.

Javier Fon­ta­ne­da, Coun­try Cus­to­mer Expe­ri­ence Manager

Javier is an expe­ri­en­ced Cus­to­mer Ser­vice Mana­ger with a pro­ven track record in logi­stics and sup­p­ly chain manage­ment. With 25 years in ship­ping, inclu­ding 10 years in short-sea ship­ping, Javier’s recent expe­ri­ence at Containerships-CMA CGM Short Sea high­lights his exper­ti­se in ope­ra­ti­ons manage­ment, freight, mari­ti­me ope­ra­ti­ons, and import/export

Javier is a hands-on pro­fes­sio­nal who col­la­bo­ra­tes clo­se­ly with col­le­agues to deli­ver the best cus­to­mer experience.

With our new Bil­bao office and this excep­tio­nal team, we are well-prepared to sup­port our expan­si­on plans in Spain. This new office will enable us to offer our cus­to­mers exten­ded, relia­ble ser­vices and per­so­na­li­zed sup­port, ensu­ring that we con­ti­nue to meet and exceed their logi­stics needs.

We look for­ward to this exci­ting new chap­ter and the oppor­tu­ni­ties it will bring for Samskip and our valued customers.

© Samskip

Quel­le & Kontakt:

Samskip Head Office

pho­ne +31 88 400 1000



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