Com­mis­si­on appro­ves €200 mil­li­on Ger­man Sta­te aid mea­su­re to sup­port con­s­truc­tion of four berths in Cux­ha­ven port

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €200 million German measure to support Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG ('NPorts') in the construction of four new berths in the port of Cuxhaven.

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The Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on has appro­ved, under EU Sta­te aid rules, a €200 mil­li­on Ger­man mea­su­re to sup­port Nie­der­sach­sen Ports GmbH & Co. KG („NPorts“) in the con­s­truc­tion of four new berths in the port of Cuxhaven.

The pro­ject will streng­then Cux­ha­ven as an off­shore indus­tri­al hub by impro­ving infra­struc­tu­re for the tur­no­ver of heavy-duty load, in par­ti­cu­lar wind farm com­pon­ents. The mea­su­re will also help Ger­ma­ny reach its rene­wa­ble ener­gy tar­gets while incre­asing secu­ri­ty of ener­gy supply.

Under the mea­su­re, the aid will take the form of a €200 mil­li­on grant to NPorts, the state-owned port aut­ho­ri­ty. NPorts“ con­tri­bu­ti­on will amount to €100 mil­li­on. The invest­ment is esti­ma­ted to total €300 mil­li­on. The ter­mi­nal is expec­ted to start ope­ra­ting in 2028 for a peri­od of 30 years.

The Com­mis­si­on asses­sed the mea­su­re under EU Sta­te aid rules, in par­ti­cu­lar Artic­le 107(3)© of the Trea­ty on the Func­tio­ning of the Euro­pean Uni­on, which allows Mem­ber Sta­tes to sup­port the deve­lo­p­ment of cer­tain eco­no­mic acti­vi­ties under cer­tain con­di­ti­ons. The Com­mis­si­on found that the mea­su­re is neces­sa­ry and appro­pria­te to deve­lop off­shore wind pro­jects which bring eco­no­mic, envi­ron­men­tal and ener­gy secu­ri­ty bene­fits. Fur­ther­mo­re, the Com­mis­si­on found that the mea­su­re is pro­por­tio­na­te, as it is limi­t­ed to the mini­mum neces­sa­ry, and will have a limi­t­ed impact on com­pe­ti­ti­on and trade bet­ween Mem­ber States.

On this basis, the Com­mis­si­on appro­ved the Ger­man mea­su­re under EU Sta­te aid rules.

The non-confidential ver­si­on of the decis­i­on will be made available under num­ber SA.113780 in the Sta­te aid regis­ter on the Commission’s com­pe­ti­ti­on web­site once any con­fi­den­tia­li­ty issues have been resolved.


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